Peer-Review Publikationen
- Debellis, F., Heider, A.K., Pinelli, M., & Hülsbeck, M. (2023). Ownership, Governance, and Internationalization in Family Firms: A Replication and Extension. Small Business Economics Journal.
- Gerlitz, A., & Hülsbeck, M. (2023). The productivity tax of new office concepts: a comparative review of open-plan offices, activity-based working, and single-office concepts. Management Review Quarterly, 1-31.
- Höpfl, F., Beese, O., M., Peisl, T. & Greiner, C. (2023). Assessing the acceptance towards artificial intelligence in semi-structured decision-making situations based on the 4-ear-communication model by F. Schulz von Thun. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice.
- Höpfl, F., Feucht, M., Peisl, T. & Greiner, C. (2023). Service robots as coworkers in elderly care: explorative research on technology acceptance in Healthcare, In Proceedings of the 18th Academy of Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Knowledge Conference – Innovation, knowledge and digitalisation: building trust to face today’s challenges, June 21-23, 2023, ACIEK ESIC, Madrid, Spain.
- Höpfl, F., Feucht, M., Peisl, T. & Greiner, C. (2023). Service Robots as coworkers in elderly care: video analysis based on stakeholder mapping, In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Human Interaction & Emerging Technologies: Artificial Intelli-gence & Future Applications, April 13-15, 2023, IHIET-AI 2023, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Schlipf, M. (2023a), “Lack of Intentions or Actions? Analysis of the Sustainability-related Intention Action Gap,” Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) Annual Conference 2023 (33rd) (May 21–25). Orlando, USA.
- Schlipf, M. (2023b). Words without deeds and deeds without words: An initial empirical analysis of the intention action gap in corporate sustainability, IPSERA Annual Conference 2023 (April 2–5). Barcelona, Spain.
- Schlipf, M. (2023c). Everyone on the same page? The alignment of sustainability between top management and procurement. BME - Wissenschaftliches Symposium "Supply Management" 2023 (March 6–7). Mannheim, Germany.
- Schlipf, M. (2023d). Sind schönere Produkte nachhaltiger? Produktdesign-Kriterien für ein suffizientes Kauf- und Nutzungsverhalten im B-to-C- und B-to-B-Segment. Marketing Review St. Gallen. 02/2023.
- Schwarz, J. O., Wach, B. A., & Rohrbeck, R. (2023). How to Anchor Design Thinking in the Future: Empirical Evidence on the Usage of Strategic Foresight in Design Thinking Projects.
- Wach, B., Krebs, B., & Tomin, S. (2023). It is a Match: Corporate Entrepreneurship und Effizienzsteigerung. PERSONALquarterly, 75(1), 38-43.
- Weimann, V., Gerken, M., Hülsbeck, M. (2023). Introduction to corporate entrepreneurship in family firms: overview and current issues. In: Krauss, S., Clauß, T., & Kallmünzer, A. Edward Elgar Research Handbook on Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Family Firms, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham.
- Anderl, E, Botz, S, Greiner, C, Höpfl, F, Seitz, H, Slamka, J: Fostering IT Competencies in Business Students through IT-Based Business Development Projects. In Proceedings of the 18th Annual International Conference on Information Technology & Computer Science, 16-19 May 2022, Athens, Greece.
- Bartlitz, D., & Bohnert, A. (2022). Die Gesellschafterstruktur der GmbH & Co. KG aus der Perspektive der Digitalen Rechtstatsachenforschung. ZIP: Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht, 43(25), 1244-1251.
- Ernst, R. A., Gerken, M., Hack, A., & Hülsbeck, M. (2022). Family firms as agents of sustainable development: A normative perspective. Technological forecasting and social change, 174, 121135.
- Ernst, R.-A., Gerken, M., Hack, A., & Hülsbeck, M. (2022). SMES? reluctance to embrace corporate sustainability: The effect of stakeholder pressure on self-determination and the role of social proximity. Journal of Cleaner Production, 335.
- Fritzsche, A., & Bohnert, A. (2022). Implications of bundled offerings for business development and competitive strategy in digital insurance. The Geneva papers on risk and insurance-issues and practice, 47(4), 817-834.
- Funck, M., Krebs, B., Tomin, S., & Wach, B. A. (2022). What the hack(athon)? An exploratory study about the dynamics of hackathons. G-Forum 2022, Dresden.
- Gärtner, C. (2022). When tools ‘bite first’: How tools-for-reflection (do not) afford reflection and knowledge creation. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 38(1), 101184.
- Gärtner, C., & Ortmann, G. (2022). Organisation und Institution. Handbuch Körpersoziologie 2: Forschungsfelder und methodische Zugänge, 287-298.
- Gärtner, C. & Petry, T. (2022). Geplapper ohne richtigen Inhalt. personalmagazin, 10/22, 76-79.
- Gerken, M., Hülsbeck, M., Ostermann, T., & Hack, A. (2022). Validating the FIBER scale to measure family firm heterogeneity? A replication study with extensions. Journal of Family Business Strategy.
- Heider, A. K., Clauss, T., Hülsbeck, M., Gerken, M., & Rüsen, T. A. (2022). Blood is thicker than water: the role of family willingness and familiy ability in achieving holistic digitalisation in family businesses. International Journal of Innovation Management, 26(3).
- Heider, A., Hülsbeck, M., & von Schlenk-Barnsdorf, L. (2022). The role of family firm specific resources in innovation: An integrative literature review and framework. Management Review Quarterly, 72(2), 483–530.
- Hohberger, S. & Holzner, C. & Hülsewig, O. (2022). Die makroökonomischen Effekte von COVID-19 in Deutschland: Eine stilisierte Modellanalyse. WiSt Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium.
- Holzner, C. & Larch, M. (2022). Convex vacancy creation costs and on‐the‐job search in a global economy. The World Economy, 45(1), 136-175.
- Hülsbeck, M. (2022). Corporate Govrnance: Eigentum und Kontrolle in Familienunternehmen. Zeitschrift für Recht des Familienunternehmens (RFamU), 2, 564ff.
- Hülsewig, O., & Rottmann, H. (2022). Euro area periphery countries' fiscal policy and monetary policy surprises. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 84(3), 544-568.
- Hülsewig, O., & Rottmann, H. (2022). Unemployment in the euro area and unconventional monetary policy surprises. CESifo Working Paper Series, 10091, revise & resubmit.
- Hülsewig, O. & Steinbach, A. (2022). The sovereigns' regulatory risk weight privilege and constitutional fiscal rules. SSRN Discussion paper.
- Jürgenschellert, T., & Kleine, J. (2022). Alternativ investieren. Bankinformation, 05, 66-69.
- Kleine, J., & Klintworth, M. (2022). Zwischen Pandemie und Ukraine-Krieg. Bankinformation, 11, 9-11.
- Kleine, J., Massing, R., & Jürgenschellert, T. (2022). Alternative Assets als Depot-A-Strategie für Sparkassen und Genossenschaftsbanken. Absolutreport, 06, 40-45.
- Kleine, J., Peschke, T., & Wuschick, A. (2022). Donald Duck: a narrative that embeds behavioral finance?.Studies in Economics and Finance., 2022.
- Niklas, A., Del Fabbro, A., Salina Segura, A., Peisl, T. (2022). Learnings from Post Merger Integration for Innovation Management – Characteristics of an Innovation Agent. In: Yilmaz, M., Clarke, P., Messnarz, R., Wöran, B. (eds) Systems, Software and Ser-vices Process Improvement. EuroSPI 2022. Communications in Computer and Infor-mation Science, vol 1646. Springer, Cham.
- Rebert, T., Tomin, S., Wach, B.A, & Kabst, R. (2022). Methodenverliebt am Markt vorbei? Ein Plädoyer zur vertieften Integration der “where to play”- Perspektive in Corporate Entrepreneurship Sprints. In R. Kraus, B. Jeraj, & T. Kreitenweis (Hrsg.), Intrapreneurship – Unternehmergeist, Systeme und Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten, (S. 313-324). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.
- Rondi, E., Überbacher, R., von Schlenk-Barnsdorf, L., De Massis, A., & Hülsbeck, M. (2022). One for all, all for one: A mutual gains perspective on HRM and innovation management practices in family firms. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 13(2).
- Schlipf, M. (2022a). Gamifying B2B Sales - An Analysis of the Status Quo and Potential for Gamification within Sales. Marketing Review St. Gallen. 04/2022.
- Schlipf, M. (2022b). Mind the Gap: An Initial Empirical Analysis of the Intention-Action Gap in Corporate Sustainability. 2022 CSCMP Academic Research Symposium (ARS).
- Schwarz, J. O. & Wach, B. A. (2022). The usage of cultural products in design thinking: An assessment of an underestimated approach. The Design Journal, 25(1), 4-24.
- Tomin, S., Wach, B. A., & Steinmetz, H. (2022). Starting from the bottom: Investigating training effects on non-managerial employees’ and middle managers’ corporate entrepreneurial activity. 2022 Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Waco.
- Tomin, S., Steinmetz, H., Wach, B. A., & Isidor, R. (2022). The Influence of Training on Internal Corporate Venturing Behavior: Evidence from a Field Experiment. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2022(1).
- Tomin, S., Wach, B. A., & Steinmetz, H. (2022). Lean startup-based training for non-managerial employees and middle managers. G-Forum 2022, Dresden.
- Wach, B. A., Wehner M. C., & Kabst, R. (2022). Performance implications of the HR business partner model and the mediating role of internal efficiency: a comparison between Germany and the United Kingdom. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 33(20), 4113–4150.
- Ziegler, A., Peisl, T., Harte, P. (2022). The User Perspective on Innovation in eLearning: A Single-Case Study from IBM. In: Yilmaz, M., Clarke, P., Messnarz, R., Wöran, B. (eds) Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement. EuroSPI 2022. Com-munications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1646. Springer, Cham.
- Del Fabbro, A., Niklas, A., Peisl, T. (2021). The Need of an Innovation Agent: Requirements and Competencies of the Human Dimension in Innovation Management. In: Yilmaz, M., Clarke, P., Messnarz, R., Reiner, M. (eds) Systems, Software and Services Pro-cess Improvement. EuroSPI 2021. Communications in Computer and Information Sci-ence, vol 1442. Springer, Cham.
- Funck, M., Krebs, B., Tomin, S., & Wach, B. A. (2021). Aren’t we all the same? Hierarchical cultural valuees as determinants of new venture creation outcomes. 2021 Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, München.
- Funck, M., Wach, B. A., & Vogt, S. (2021). Innovationen in Unternehmen. In P. Haag (Hrsg.), KMU- und Start-up-Management, (S. 99-112). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler. 10.1007/978-3-658-34700-0_7
- Gärtner, C. (2021). Dilemmata von Digital Leadership. Personalmagazin, 04/21, 25-27.
- Gärtner, C. (2021). Mehr Commitment durch passende Gestaltung der Change-Kommunikation. changement!, 03/2021, 38-39.
- Gärtner, C. (2021). People Analytics – Was spricht dafür, was dagegen? HR Performance, 04/21, 54-56.
- Gärtner, C. (2021). Performance Management: Ist Outputorientierung die beste Lösung bei Hybrid Work? people&work, 01/21, 18-21.
- Gärtner, C., & Kern, D. (2021). Smart HRM in 2030: Conversational HR, Connected Robotics, and Controlled Analytics. Managing Work in the Digital Economy: Challenges, Strategies and Practices for the Next Decade, 203-221.
- Greiner, C., Jovy-Klein, F., & Peisl, T. (2021). AI as co-workers: An explorative research on technology acceptance based on the revised Bloom taxonomy. In Proceedings of the Future Technologies Conference (FTC) 2020, Volume 1 (pp. 27-35). Springer Interna-tional Publishing.
- Harte, P., Peisl, T., & Kammers, K. (2021). Motivations of Ecopreneurs: The New Entrepreneurial Paradigm. IUP Journal of Entrepreneurship Development, 18(4), 7-30.
- Heider, A., Gerken, M., van Dinther, N., & Hülsbeck, M. (2021). Business model innovation through dynamic capabilities in small and medium enterprises? Evidence from the German Mittelstand. Journal of Business Research, 130, 635–645.
- Henzel, S. & Hülsewig, O. (2021) Makroökonomik kleiner offener Volkswirtschaften: Ein statisches Neukeynesianisches Modell. Wist, 9, 2021, 22-3.
- Hornikel, A., Greiner, C., & Peisl, T. (2021). The Need to Collaborate: Opportunities for Human and AI Co-workers. In Proceedings of CHIRA 2021 (pp. 139-148).
- Hristov, N., Hülsewig, O., & Kolb, B. (2021). Macroprudential policy and the sovereign-bank nexus in the euro area. Deutsche Bundesbank, Diskussionspapier, 32, submitted.
- Hristov, N., Hülsewig, O., & Scharler, J. (2021). Unconventional monetary policy shocks in the euro area and the sovereign-bank nexus. International Journal of Central Bank-ing, 17, 3.
- Hülsbeck, M. (2021) Der Eigentümer als Manager. In: Rüsen, T. Theorie und Praxis des Familienunternehmens und der Unternehmerfamilie. Göttingen. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
- Hülsbeck, M. & Schlenk-Barnsdorf, L. v. (2021): Zukunftssicherung von Familienunternehmen – Dynamische Fähigkeiten als Antwort auf die digitale Transformation. In: FUS – Familienunternehmen und Strategie, Heft 03/2021, S. 105-112.
- Hülsbeck, M. & Schlenk-Barnsdorf, L. v. (2021): Zukunftssicherung von Familienunternehmen – Intergenerationaler Wissenstransfer als Treiber der digitalen Transformation in Familienunternehmen. In: FUS – Familienunternehmen und Strategie, Heft 04/2021, S. 142-146.
- Hülsewig, O., & Rottmann, H. (2021). Euro area house prices and unconventional monetary policy surprises. Economics Letters, 205, 109962.
- Hülsewig, O., & Steinbach, A. (2021). Monetary financing and fiscal discipline. International Review of Law and Economics, 68, 106004.
- Kampe, T. & Wach, B.A. (2021). Entrepreneurship Education in dualen Studiengängen - Zielsetzungen, Praxisperspektiven und Studienformate. Duales Studium, 2021(2),108-119.
- Kleine, J., & Jürgenschellert, T. (2021). Generation Z und die Neo Broker – Trendwende im Wertpapierhandel. Raiffeisen Blatt, 49(5), 6-10.
- Kleine, J., & Klintworth, M. (2021). Kleinunternehmen – Vernachlässigte Zielgruppe. BankIn-formation, 9, 68-73.
- Kleine, J., Peschke, T., & Wagner, N. (2021). Collectors: Personality between consumption and investment. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 32, 100566., 2021.
- Kleine, J., Schulz, T. C., & Jürgenschellert, T. (2021). Potenziale für Infrastruktur-Assets durch Digitalisierung. Absolutreport, 04, 32-37.
- Krebs, B., Wach, B., Wehner, M., Reichel, A., Mayrhofer, W., Sender, A., Staffelbach, B., & Ligthart, P. (2021). Human resource management in the Germanic context. In E. Parry, M. Morley, & C. Brewster (Hrsg.), The Oxford Handbook of Contextual Approaches to Human Resource Management, (S. 177-207). New York: Oxford University Press.
- Mohr, C.; Hülsbeck, M. & Schlenk-Barnsdorf, L. v. (2021): Zukunftssicherung von Familien-unternehmen - Familienunternehmen und Ökosysteme. In: FUS – Familienunternehmen und Strategie, Heft 06/2021 S.222-226.
- Peisl, T., Hyland, J., Messnarz, R., Wöran, B., Sameh, S., Macher, G., Dobaj, J., Aschbacher, L., & Aust, D. (2021). Innovation Agents? Moving from Process Driven to Human Centred Intelligence Driven Approaches. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1442, 319–335.
- Reinhart, J., Greiner, C., & Mayer, O. (2021). Künstliche Intelligenz – eine Einführung. Grundlagen, Anwendungsbeispiele und Umsetzungsstrategien für Unternehmen (1. Auflage). Vogel Communications Group GmbH & Co. KG.
- Schlipf, M. (2021). Sind Corporate Influencer motiviertere Mitarbeiter? Marketing Review St. Gallen. 01/2021.
- Shah, B., Aykanat, E., Edlmann, R., Shah, E., & Peisl, T. (2021). The Influence of Specialised University Degrees on Employee’s Performance. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1442, 37–43.
- Sperr, S., & Schlipf, M. Smart City and the Resource Time: A comparative analysis of concepts and key aspects from different international cities on three continents. Proceedings of INUAS Conference 2021. Munich.
- Wach, B. A, & Kampe, T. (2021). Entrepreneurship Education in Dual Study Programs. 11-th International Scientific Conference “Economic Policy and EU Integration“, Durrës.
- Wach, B. A., Wehner, M. C., Weißenberger, B. E., & Kabst, R. (2021). United we stand: HR and line managers' shared views on HR strategic integration. European Management Journal, 39(4), 410-422.
- Weimann, V., Gerken, M., & Hülsbeck, M. (2021). Old flames never die? The role of binding social ties for corporate entrepreneurship in family firms. International Entrepreneur-ship and Management Journal, 17(4), 1707–1730.
- Weisshuhn, O., Greiner, C., & Ramdhony, A. (2021, July). Business model innovation to enhance the efficiency of freight logistics in the maritime supply chain through block-chain-based industry platforms. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on e-Business (pp. 76-85). SCITEPRESS-Science and Technology Publications.
- Ziegler, A., Peisl, T., & Harte, P. (2021). Linking Innovation and eLearning? The Case for an Embedded Design. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1442, 47–63.
- Gärtner, C. (2020). Der Rhythmus erfolgreicher Teamarbeit: Abwechslung statt „always-on“. changement!, 01/2020, 48-49.
- Gärtner, C. (2020). Objektive Arbeitsbeurteilung oder Überwachungsalbtraum? Personalmagazin plus: HR-Software 2020, 34-37.
- Gärtner, C. (2020). Smart HRM: Digitale Tools für die Personalarbeit . Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
- Gärtner, C. (2020) (Hrsg.). Smart Human Resource Management. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.
- Gärtner, C. (2020). Warum People Analytics HR (nicht) retten kann. changement!, 08/2020, 27-29.
- Gärtner, C. & Kramarsch, M. (2020): Alles auf Neustart. Personalmagazin, 04/20, 20-29.
- Hristov, N., Hülsewig, O., & Wollmershäuser, T. (2020). Capital flows in the euro area and TARGET2 balances. Journal of Banking & Finance, 113, 105734.
- Hülsbeck, M. (2020): Corporate Governance von Familienunternehmen. In: Rüsen, T. A. & Heider, A. K. (Hrsg.): Aktive Eigentümerschaft in Unternehmerfamilien – Gesellschafterkompetenz in Unternehmerfamilien entwickeln und anwenden. Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag, S. 95-108.
- Hülsewig, Oliver; Hristov, N; T Wollmershäuser: Capital flows in the euro area and TARGET2 balances, Journal of Banking & Finance, 2020.
- Hülsewig, Oliver; Hristov, N; Scharler, J: Unconventional monetary policy in the euro area and the sovereign-bank nexus, International Journal of Central Banking, 2020.
- Kleine, J., Peschke, T., & Wagner, N. (2020). Rich men’s hobby or question of personality: Who considers collectibles as alternative investment?. Finance Research Letters, 35, 101307.
- Löwer, T. & Gärtner, C. (2020): Consulting 4.0 – Kommt die digitale Disruption des Bera-tungsgeschäfts? In: Meinhardt, S. & Pflaum, A. (Hrsg.) Digitale Geschäftsmodelle – Band 2. Berlin (Springer).
- Meyer, P; Gutknecht, Klaus, Roth, A: Retail managers’ perceptions of service robots in organizational frontlines, European Academy of Management (Euram), 2020.
- Peisl, T., & Edlmann, R. (2020). Exploring Technology Acceptance and Planned Behaviour by the Adoption of Predictive HR Analytics During Recruitment. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1251 CCIS, 177–190.
- Schlipf, M. (2020). Konfiguratoren und Plattformen im B-to-B Online-Vertrieb. Marketing Review St. Gallen. 02/2020.
- Schwarz, J. O., Rohrbeck, R., & Wach, B. A. (2020). Corporate foresight as a microfoundation of dynamic capabilities. Futures & Foresight Science, 2(2), e28, 1-11.
- Wach, B. A., Krebs, B. P., & Kabst, R. (2020). HR-Manager als Intrapreneure. In K. Schwuchow & J. Gutmann, (Hrsg.), HR-Trends 2021, (S. 45-55). Freiburg: Haufe-Lexware.
- Weimann, V., Gerken, M., & Hülsbeck, M. (2020). Business model innovation in family firms: Dynamic capabilities and the moderating role of socioemotional wealth. Journal of Business Economics, 90(3), 369–399.
- Ziegler, A., & Peisl, T. (2020). The Value of a Net Promoter Score in Driving a Company’s Bottom Line: A Single-Case Study from IBM Training Services. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1251 CCIS, 151–161.
- Hülsewig, Oliver; Hristov, N; T Siemsen; Wollmershäuser T: Restoring euro area monetary transmission: Which role for government bond rates?, Empirical Economics, 2019. https://doiorg/101007/s00181-018-1467-y
- Rohrmeier, J, Egan, T, Peisl, Tom: Trust in Executive Search – the Client’s Perspective, in: Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics. Volume 16(1), 2019.
- Schlipf, Matthias, Keller, C, Lutzenberger, F, Pfosser, S, Rathgeber, A: Measuring life cycle costs for complex B2B products: A novel, integrated and practical methodology across disciplines for pricing maintenance contracts“, In: Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering 25(2), 2019.
- Meyer, P; Spreer P; Gutknecht, Klaus: Humanoide Serviceroboter am PoS: Eine akzeptanzanalytische Untersuchung neuer Formen der Kundeninteraktion. Marketing Review St. Gallen. 35(6), 18-25.
- Brehm, Lars; Krizaj, D; Pohjola, P: Generalizing of the EDIT model for non-tourism domains. Academica Turistica – Tourism and Innovation Journal 10, 205–211.
- Henzel, Steffen M. Rengel: Dimensions of macroeconomic uncertainty: A common factor analysis?, Economic Inquiry, 55(2), 2017, 843-877.
- Henzel, Steffen, E. Wieland: International synchronization and changes in long-term inflation uncertainty, Macroeconomic Dynamics, 21(4), 2017, 918-946.
- Holschbach, E; Hofmann, E; Stölzle, W; Kleemann, Florian: Perceptions of buyer-buyer relationships in a successful and an unsuccessful purchasing group: evidence from a case study. International Journal of Integrated Supply Management, 11(2-3), 135-171.
- Hülsewig, Oliver, N. Hristov: Unexpected loan losses and bank capital in an estimated DSGE model of the euro area, Journal of Macroeconomics, 54, 2017, 161–186.
- Kleemann, Florian; Glas, A H: Performance based contracting: Contextual factors and the degree of buyer-supplier integration, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, Jg. 32, Nr. 5, S. 677-692.
- Klug, Florian: Analysing the interaction of supply chain synchronisation and material flow stability, International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications 20 (2), 2017, 181-199.
- Piazolo, F; Geist, V; Brehm, Lars; Schmidt, R (Eds.): Innovations in Enterprise Information Systems Management and Engineering, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing. Springer International Publishing, Cham.
- Anderl, E., Becker, I., von Wangenheim, F., & Schumann, J. H.: Mapping the customer journey: Lessons learned from graph-based online attribution modeling. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 33(3), 457–474.
- Anderl, E., Schumann, J. H., & Kunz, W.: Helping firms reduce complexity in multichannel online data: A new taxonomy-based approach for customer journeys. Journal of Retailing, 92(2), 185–203
- Anderl, E. & Wiechert, L.: Attribution im Online-Marketing: Datenbasierte Bewertung von Customer Journeys. Marketing Review St. Gallen, 2016(2), 24 – 31.
- Böck, M., Köbler, F., Anderl, E., & Le, L. (2016). Social Media-Analyse – Mehr als nur eine Wordcloud?. HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 53(3), 323-338.
- Kleine, Jens, N. Wagner, T. Weller: Openness endangers your wealth: Noise trading and the big five, Finance Research Letters, Vol. 16/2016, S. 239–247.
- Klug, Florian: Analysing bullwhip and backlash effects in supply chains with phase space trajectories, International Journal of Production Research 54 (13), 2016, 3906-3926.
- Klug, Florian: A hybrid push/pull design of kanban systems during production ramp-up phase, International Journal of Services and Operations Management 24 (3), 2016, 397- 417.
- Leu, J., Lee, L. J., André Krischke: Value Engineering-Based Method for Implementing the ISO14001 System in the Green Supply Chains, International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences (IJSDS) 7 (2016): 4.
- Peisl, Tom, W. Selen, R. Raeside: Predictive Crowding and Disruptive Innovation: How to leverage crowd intelligence intelligently, Journal of New Business Ideas & Trends 14 (2), 2016.
- Schlipf, Matthias; Macketanz, K: Wie (internes) Inbound Marketing dem Vertrieb hilft, komplexe Produkte besser im Markt einzuführen. In: Marketing Review St. Gallen, Nr. 3, S. 76-85.
- Winata, L, Mia, L, Langmann, C: Strategic alliance, information and communication technology and customer related performance: the role of industrial characteristics, in: Contemporary Management Research (CMJ), Vol. 12, No. 3, S. 337-362.
- Anderl, Eva, März, J; Schumann, J H: Nonmonetary customer value contributions in free e-services. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 24(3–4), 175–189.
- Klapdor, S, Anderl, Eva, Schumann, J H, & von Wangenheim, F: Using multi-channel behavior to predict conversions in online shops. Journal of Advertising Research, 55(4), 433-442.
- Spreer, P, Gutknecht, K.: Technologieakzeptanz von Verkäufern als Herausforderung, Marketing Review St. Gallen, 6, 2015, S. 36-43.
- Hammer, Dominik: Mut im Management, Führung + Organisation: ZfO, Bd. 84.2015, 6, S. 384-389, Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel, 2015.
- Henzel, Steffen, C. Grimme, S. Bonakdar: Zum Einfluss von Unsicherheit auf die deutsche, österreichische Konjunktur, Wirtschaftspolitische Blätter 4/2015, 2015, 655–667.
- Henzel, Steffen, T. Berg: Point and Density Forecasts for the Euro Area Using Bayesian VARs, International Journal of Forecasting 31 (4), 2015, 1067-1095.
- Henzel, Steffen, R. Lehmann, K. Wohlrabe: Nowcasting Regional GDP: The Case of the Free State of Saxony, Review of Economics 66 (1), 2015, 71-98.
- Mao, G; Vogl, Stefanie; Laux, P; Wagner,S; Kunstmann, H: „Stochastic bias correction of dynamically downscaled precipitation fields for Germany through Copula-based integration of gridded observation data“. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 19, 1787-1806. doi:10.5194/hess-19-1787-2015.
- Osmetz, Kaduk, Hammer, Philipp, Wüthrich: Experimente wagen, Organisations-entwicklung: ZOE, Bd. 03/2014, S. 3-10.
- Henzel, Steffen, C. Grimme, E. Wieland: Inflation uncertainty revisited: A proposal for robust measurement, Empirical Economics 47 (4), 2014, 1497–1523.
- Hülsewig, Oliver, N. Hristov, T. Wollmershäuser: The Interest Rate Pass-Through in the Euro Area during the global Financial Crisis, Journal of Banking & Finance 48, 2014, 104-119.
- Hülsewig, Oliver, N. Hristov, T. Wollmershäuser: Financial Frictions and Inflation Differentials in a Monetary Union, The Manchester School 85 (5), 2014, 549-595.
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